Saturday, August 23, 2008

What's new with the Baugh Fam!

First and foremost, CALEB GOT HIS HELMET OFF! We went and saw the doc on Wednesday and he said it was a go! Yeah! Here he is helmet free!

Caleb is also mobile, but not in the way you would think. Instead of crawling he scoots on his bum, but he is fast! He has always hated his stomach and I guess this is way of getting around without having to crawl! He is into everything! And he has already taken a spill down the stairs, luckily he was fine!

Another thing we did last week for the first time was taking a visit to the Dino Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Austin, Caleb and I went with my friend, Nancy, and her kids Brannon and Cami. It was a lot of fun, and Austin really enjoyed it because there are a lot of hands on activities.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 30th Andy!

This year for Andy's birthday I did a surprise party and it was a lot of fun because he had no idea! Thanks to everyone that came it made his day to see all of his friends and family!

I just wanted to take a second and tell Andy what an incredible man he is, and I will be forever grateful to Brian for setting us up! Andy is such a hard worker and he always makes sure our needs are taken care of. Whenever I'm in a bad mood he always finds a way to make me laugh. He is such a wonderful dad and the kids love wrestling and
playing with him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Where Has Summer Gone?

I can't believe summer is almost over! I had all of these intentions to blog but I have been a huge slacker this summer! Here are all of my blog ideas wrapped up into one,

Happy 1st Birthday Caleb!! July 29

My BEAUTIFUL german pancakes!

Scrapbooking and my LOVE of it!

Swimming in our neighborhood pool!

And our many Zoo adventures!

With Jack and Jayci

With Lucy, Ellie and Redick and a not-so-happy Austin!