Friday, July 11, 2008

A Lot of CRAZY!

Wow, these last two weeks have been crazy! I got a new calling to be the second councilor in the relief society presidency, so I am over enrichment. I feel pretty overwhelmed right now, and I hope I am up for the task! Andy also started a new job where he goes to Philadelphia every other week and so that has been an adjustment as well. Last week was his first week gone so Austin, Caleb, and I set out for a four day stay at my sister Jill's. Plus we had the fourth of july weekend, where we stayed at my mom's house so we wouldn't miss any of the fun events. Here are a few things we did to enjoy our fourth:

Balloons 6:00 am

Parade with Grandma and Grandpa Bruun

BBQ with the Baughs at the Park

Fireworks at Grandma Bruuns

Caleb and Jayci
Our stay with Jill
Jack and Austin


Jill said...

I love the pic of Jayci pushing Caleb in her stroller, I just might have to steal that one!

anna banana said...

Looks like you guys had a great fourth, hope the new calling goes well, I am sure you will do great!

Kim said...

You will be a fabulous 2nd counselor. I'm sure it will be a ton of work but you are creative and such a sweet person & that will make it much easier.

I didn't know Andy was going to be gone that much. Chris is gone for about 4 months of the year & it's hard. I think we'll start travelling with him a little more. Is this for a short period of time or will he always be gone this much?

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I love your mom! I miss her! Good times when we were younger! Your mom is awesome!

Unknown said...

I feel for you on the Enrichment calling. That was my toughest calling ever but you will do well at it.

Love the pics, especially with Grandma and Grandpa Bruun. I can't believe they are grandparents. : )

Brittney said...

I just realized that on my last comment, Matt was still signed onto the computer. No, Matt has never had an enrichment calling.:)

Charayne said...

ok, so you live so close, yet so far away...where has the summer gone??? It looks like you guys had a lot of fun, we need to catch up on everything. Congrats on Andy's new job. Talk to you soon!!!

Sorensen Family said...

Your boys are so cute! They look so much alike! Caleb is getting so big. I hear ya on callings that are big...Im the nursery leader and I, well, to be honest, hate it. It is time consuming and I dont have much sympathy for other people's crying kids...Im so mean!