Friday, May 7, 2010

Dear Baby,

Ready when you are. Everything is set up and ready, just waiting on you. Three weeks left, although if you want to come sooner, I am perfectly okay with that!
Love, Mom


Melissa said...

That last month is the worst! Both my kids came early. I am not sure how I would have handled it if they decided to come on their due date..or worse, took their own sweet time to get here! Hang in there!

Jenna Johnson said...

mmm that's what I'm already saying...I've got along way to go!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

MEREDITH said...

WOW I didn't realize you were due so soon, I know exactly how you feel. Good luck and hang in there, try to enjoy your two little bundles of joy before you add another one in the mix!

The Prescott's said...

Yay, it's so soon! I'm excited for ya.

anna banana said...

Looks great! Way to be prepared!